Following a few articles I read over the weekend, I haven’t been able to shake my head off thinking about adolescent children – especially the period of ‘cool’. I found the above video and this article particularly interesting, Cool Kids Lose, Though It May Take A Few Years. Even though I understand the perspective, I’m not…
Nothing like a little grace to brighten a person’s day, and Alondra de la Parra does it for me today. Some call her enthusiastic, others say she’s passionate. I think she’s simply beautiful. “When I was a kid I said, ‘If I’m not an old man with white hair, I can’t be a conductor’. But…
One of the more frequent questions I get asked about entrepreneurship is ‘how does one start?’ I have made a couple posts, here for example, on some materials that would help give any person interested a general understanding of the variety of ways to enter the world of business and commerce. The material today continues…
It’s somewhat disturbing that the first poem I choose to publish publicly is a eulogy, but then again it could have been about cute talking bunnies… how sad will that be? Anyway, this one’s dedicated to lost loved ones and broken friendships. Death cheats, and memories redress Loss is not for the dead, but for the…